- Sermon By: Rev. Christie Joseph
- Categories: ChristmasPeace, ChristmasSeason, ChristmasSpirit, MerryChristmas, Nativity
Celebrating Christmas with Purpose Today’s Sermon is from Luke 2:1-20 We celebrate Christmas after a careful four-week preparation, reflecting on the Patriarchs’ hope for the

- Sermon By: Rev. Christie Joseph
- Categories: BearingChrist, Christmas, Faith, Hope, MotherMary
Bearing Christ: Following Mary's Example Today's Sermon is from Luke 1:39-45 Today is the last Sunday of Advent, on which we reflect on Mother Mary’s

- Sermon By: Ven. Chrisantha Mendis
- Categories: Faith, Hope, johnthebaptist, purpose, repentance
Preparing the Way: Discovering Hope in the Life of John the Baptist Today’s Sermon is from Luke 3:1-6 John the Baptist was the voice of