- Sermon By: Rev. Christie Joseph
- Categories: Advent, ComingOfChrist, FirstSundayofAdvent, SpiritualReflection, ThreefoldComing
Advent: The Threefold Coming of Christ Today’s Sermon is from Luke 21:25-36 Today is the First Sunday of Advent and the beginning of the Christian

- Sermon By: Rev. Christie Joseph
- Categories: ChristTheKing, EternalLife, HeavenlyKingdom, KingdomOfGod, NotOfThisWorld, ReignOfChrist
Reign of Christ Against Secularism and Consumerism Today’s Sermon is from John 18:33-37 In ancient times, kings were appointed mainly based on physical strength, might,

- Sermon By: Rev. Christie Joseph
- Categories: allthingscomefromGod, cheerfulgiver, dependenceonGod, Godslove, Surrender
Giving All to God: The Ultimate Act of Surrender Today's Sermon is from Mark 12:38-44 All things come from You, O God, and of Your