- Sermon By: Rev. Christie Joseph
- Categories: Choices, DecisionMaking, LifeChoices, TheBroadWay, TheNarrowWay, TwoPaths
Choosing the Right Path: The Two Ways of Life Today's Sermon is from Luke 6:20-26 The Divine Healer and Great Teacher, Lord Jesus Christ, taught

- Sermon By: Rev. Christie Joseph
- Categories: CallingOfDisciples, Discipleship, Hope, LakeGennesaret, MiraculousCatch, Obedience, PeterJamesJohn
The Calling of the First Disciples Today's Sermon is from Luke 5:1-11 According to the Gospel of Luke, Jesus called his first disciples on a

- Sermon By: Rev. Christie Joseph
- Categories: BiblicalPrinciples, ChristianParents, Dedication, Firstborn, Offering, ServiceToGod
The Dedication of the Firstborn: A Call to Service Today's Sermon is from Luke 2:22-40 Are you the firstborn in your family? Do you know