- Sermon By: Right Rev. Dushantha Lakshman Rodrigo
- Categories: AllSaintsSunday, AnglicanCommunion, ChristianHope, GriefAndHealing, NewHeaven, VictoryOverDeath
All Saints Sunday: A New Heaven Today’s Sermon is from John 11:32-44 This All Saints Sunday sermon, “A New Heaven,” preached by the Bishop of

- Sermon By: Rev. Christie Joseph
- Categories: AllSoulsDay, ChristianLiving, FaithfulDeparted, LifeOfPurpose, Reflection, RememberingLovedOnes, Spirituality
All Souls Day and the Importance of Living a Life Pleasing to God Today’s Sermon is from John 6:37-40 The 2nd of November is usually

- Sermon By: Rev. Christie Joseph
- Categories: FaithHeals, GoodNews, Gospel, JesusHeals, Reformation, SpiritualAwakening, SpiritualBlindness
From Blindness to Sight: Faith and the Reformation Today's Sermon is from Mark 10:46-52 A blind man named Bartimaeus was sitting on the side of