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The Gift of Family: Living Our Lives as an Offering to God (29th December 2024 Sermon)

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The Gift of Family: Living Our Lives as an Offering to God (29th December 2024 Sermon)

The Gift of Family: Living Our Lives as an Offering to God

Today's Sermon is from Luke 2:41-52

Even though the Holy Family—Mary, Joseph, and the Child Jesus—visited the Jerusalem Temple every year to celebrate Passover as per custom, it was a special visit for them when Jesus was 12 years old. To their amazement, Jesus was found in the Temple Court seated among the learned rabbis and Jewish leaders, engaging in profound questions and answers. As Christians, we need to be found in the presence of the Lord, just as Jesus was in the temple. The temple is the dwelling place of God, and they experienced God’s presence there.

Family is a gift from God, and it is filled with life. How we live in this world is the gift that we can offer to God in response to God’s gift.

Where do we find our children today?