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Serving Others: The Path to True Greatness in Christ
Today's Sermon is from Mark 10.35-45
God spoke to many people on many occasions, urging them to commit themselves to serving Him. The theme for today is to serve and care without expecting a reward. In Mark’s Gospel 10:35-45, James and John make a request of Jesus. They say that their wish is, when Jesus sits on His glorious throne, to sit on His left and right. Jesus knew that these two disciples were asking for something impossible.
In some churches, to be lay officers is to attain status. For some, to be standing committee members and get elected at a council is a status symbol. Some give visiting cards to the councilors to vote for them. Politicians appoint their children to become politicians for various reasons and benefits. Jesus says true greatness comes only through serving others.
What steps should you follow to serve others as Christians?
Do I have the gifts and capability to fulfill the mission that God expects of me?
God’s work is done in partnership and is “not a one-man show.”
We need to love, care for, understand, and respect the people who serve with us.
To what extent are we serious about the three steps mentioned above?