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Reign of Christ Against Secularism and Consumerism
Today's Sermon is from John 18:33-37
In ancient times, kings were appointed mainly based on physical strength, might, power, or wealth. The concept of kingship in ancient Israel was different because the people of Israel acknowledged and believed that God was their king. As time passed, the Israelites also wanted a human king to rule over them, fight for them, and save them from other kings and nations. Finally, they expected a Messiah, the Anointed One, to come and liberate them from the bondage of slavery and oppression.
As we conclude the Christian calendar year today with “Reign of Christ” Sunday, with the expectation of Advent beginning next Sunday, we need to understand the words of the King and Ruler of the Universe, the Lord Jesus. John 18:36 states, “My kingdom is not of this world….” Though we live in this world, we are not of this world, according to the Lord Jesus.