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Epiphany: God’s Revelation to All Nations (5th January 2025 Sermon)

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Epiphany: God’s Revelation to All Nations (5th January 2025 Sermon)

Epiphany: God's Revelation to All Nations

Today's Sermon is from Matthew 2:1-12

The Cradle of the Lord Jesus gathered the ends of the earth, and God’s revelation was experienced by all. God’s presence filled their hearts and minds. Epiphany is a prophecy fulfilled by the visit of the Magi, or Wise Men. They were men who sought Wisdom and Holiness and were able to interpret the stars and signs in the sky. They studied the special star that rose at the time Jesus was born in Bethlehem and confirmed that a Prince was born. He was the Prince, Savior, and Messiah expected by the people of Israel for their salvation. Like the Magi, we also need to make every effort and use all our gifts and talents to go and meet Jesus, who is our King and Savior, and worship Him with all our being.